
DISC 71 Occmaps 2 formats OCMPSALL.VOL (ALLOFIT.SCN) (FIRST PRINT OUT AFTER FOLLOWING THE ADVICE OF ANNE RAWLS AND JAY MEEHAN TAPED 3/3/96) SCANNED BY MARY JOHNSON, UCLA OAC, 2/29/96 FROM HARD COPY OF AcResCom3.396 Occmaps 2 formats DISC 69 ACRESCM3.396 Begun 2/19/96 This version 3/3/96 Corrections entered from HG's copy 2/25/96



Occasion maps are those that persons draw for each other on the covers of matchbooks, stick maps of Pacific Island navigation, Portolan charts, U.S. Department of Defense landing maps for infantry, maps in orienteering contests. They will be called "occasion" maps in that (1) the traveler's work of consulting the map is an unavoidable detail of the in situ, in its course, just this next time through, traveling body's wayfinding journey that the map is consulted to get done; and (2) under that work-site condition the map's consulted, inspectable, relevant-to-the-user properties of logic, order, meaning, factual adequacy, followability, completeness of instructions, sufficiency of instructions, notational clarity, analyzeable format, methodic procedure, etc. are embedded in territorially and equipmentally affiliated practices of the traveling, and being so embedded are problematic, topical, salient', unavoidable, and identifying in relentlessly embodied territorial details of traveling's work.

Under these conditions the map's properties of order* are searched for, exhibited in, are observed and observeable, and

- Cf. Aron Gurwitsch on "salience of a group of data" in Aron Gurwitsch, Field of Consciousness, Duquesne University [Page] Press, Pittsburgh, 1964 DISC 71 Occmaps 2 formats OCMPSALL.VOL therein are examined as, the territory's onqoingly and developingly revealed ordered phenomenal details. I shall write order* spelled with an asterisk as a proxy for terms that are commonly used to speak of properties such as the map's completeness, consistency, clarity, factual accuracy, omissions, gaps, mistakes, errors, ambiguities, followability, definiteness of sense and reference, unique correspondence between map notation and territorial features, the coherence of journeying's territorial details, and so forth. Studies of native navigation, oceanic and terrestrial, report with documented arguments, that it is misleading, and in seriously consequential ways it is not an adequate take on these properties to set them in correspondence to independently real territorial features and to do so by representing them formal analytically, in generic representations of a territory's features in their essential invariants. Instead, somehow in and as the traveling body's situated work of journeying the map's properties are observed empirically in the territory as the territory's coherently observable phenomenally detailed material objects.

These territorial properties of order* which in the instant case are the map's properties, are procedurally* revealed and exhibited in and as the instant map's very own observed territory's material territorial things.

I have given the term ~rocedural*. spelled with an asterisk, ethnomethodology's emphasis on work. Procedural* does not mean "process". It means labor of a certain sort: At the work-siteDISC 71 Occmaps 2 formats OCMPSALL.VOL
ongoingly, progressively, and developingly coming upon the [Page] phenomena of a way-finding journey via the work in and as of unmediated, directly, and immediately observed, achievedly coherent phenomenal details of producing them.

Under these conditions the map's properties are incommensureable with and asymmetrically alternate to the prevailing professionally required take in analytic cartography. According to the understandings in cartography that currently prevail the occasion map's notational particulars together with the actual work of following them correspond to territorial objects with some measure of adequacy and error. The correspondence of map notation, map following, and territory are made instructably observable with analytic formats whose adequacies in empirical details are obtained and warranted with the methods of formal analysis. These are policies and methods of generic representational theorizing; administering the methods of constructive analysis: and exercising the priviledges of the transcendental analyst and universal observer. With these correspondence is accorded the corpus status of objective specification and valid knowledge.

I shall call such occasion maps documentary maps. Their development, prevalence, and availability in map libraries mark the science of cartography. Their development and availability (to 1900) are collected in Cartographical Innovations2, an

(2) Cartographical Innovations. An International Handbook of Mapping Terms to 1900, Edited by Helen M. Wallis and Arthur H. Robinson, Published by Map Collector Publications (1982) Ltd. in ongoingly, progressively, and developingly coming upon the phenomena of a way-finding journey via the work in and as of unmediated, directly, and immediately observed, achievedly coherent phenomenal details of producing them.


Under these conditions the map's properties are incommensureable with and asymmetrically alternate to the prevailing professionally required take in analytic cartography. According to the understandings in cartography that currently prevail the occasion map's notational particulars together with the actual work of following them correspond to territorial objects with some measure of adequacy and error. The correspondence of map notation, map following, and territory are made instructably observable with analytic formats whose adequacies in empirical details are obtained and warranted with the methods of formal analysis. These are policies and methods of generic representational theorizing; administering the methods of constructive analysis: and exercising the priviledges of the transcendental analyst and universal observer. With these correspondence is accorded the corpus status of objective specification and valid knowledge.

I shall call such occasion maps documentary maps. Their development, prevalence, and availability in map libraries mark the science of cartography. Their development and availability (to 1900) are collected in Cartographical Innovations2, an

(2) Cartographical Innovations. An International Handbook of Mapping Terms to 1900, Edited by Helen M. Wallis and Arthur H. Robinson, Published by Map Collector Publications (1982) Ltd. in
extraordinary achievement of collaborated worldwide scholarship that marks the advances of cartography's techniques.

By comparison, Procedural* descriptions of way-finding journeys done by following occasion maps are incommensureable and asymmetrically alternate to journeys made accountable with documentary maps. Under the incommensureably contrasting conditions [Page] of procedural* accounts the occasion map's properties do not correspond to the territory's objects. Instead, traveling's work of reading the map exhibits the map's properties in and as of the territory's observed and observable real world phenomena of order*.

Under conditions of procedural* description the map's properties of order* are unmediated, directly and immediately observed territorial objects. These territorial objects are observed in and as of a phenomenal field of ordered details of recurrence and generality - i.e. of structures. The map's properties of order* are chained "chiasmically" and inseparably to the traveling body's way-finding practices.

I use in vivo to abbreviate this explanation of procedural*. Procedural* spelled with an asterisk is key. The term directs attention to this about an occasion map: by reason of just how it is consulted in and as a work site it is a constituent detail of the work of journeying that it describes. In that case I call the map an essentially procedural* occasion map. By "essentially" I

in association with the International Cartographic Association, 1987, printing by Campfield Press, St. Albans, Herts

do not mean essence or anything like essence. I do not mean anything like primordial, primary, identifying, foundational, uhr-this or that, generic, formally invariant, ideality in meaning, basic, or constitutive. By essential I mean that just in any actual case procedural* specifics of the map can not be avoided and are without remedy or alternatives.

2. Documentary Maps Compared with Procedural* Maps


Occasion maps, when they are understood in analytic format as documentary accounts of way finding journeys, specify a directed route. The work of following the directed route is accordingly described as the achievement of a designed enterprise, marking the journey as planful and answerable to traveling's work in details of its contingencies. The journey as the achievement of a directed route includes the description that accompanies it. Occasion maps understood as documentary accounts are conveniently found in libraries. Careful effort used to find them is repaid with their availability in large numbers. In their documentary aspect occasion maps can be recognized and described with the use of their characteristic schema. (See Exhibits ) The schema consists of diagrammed origins, diagrammed passage events, diagrammed destination, and an "on-the-page-specific" displayed orientation of origins, passage events, and destination. Orientation consists of their arranged 6. positions in the diagram. The "page display" constrains a reading of the document so that the result is assessably "this worldly", real, proper, historically the case, culturally correct, factually revealing, true, and so on. In its documentary aspect I shall say the occasion map is "contemplated" or "docile" and mean that a reader can have his/her way with it so that origin, passage events, and destination are detected and read off the page and with these related as readable constituent details of an oriented and directed route. They are strongly related in that not just any and all that can be imagined are adequate. To be sure, the texts of documentary maps offer reasoned production accounts of directed routes for imaginable journeys but those that are of particular interest to us and those that mark the achievements of scientific cartography are presented in orders of argument that are answerable for their analytic descriptive empirical adequacies to autonomous criticism. Documentary maps are found as principal possessions of map libraries. They are objects of extensive scholarship. The way finding journeys they describe are cartography's pride of profession and technical stock in trade. Procedural* maps present cartography with an incommensureably alternate research experience. I speak of that experience as incommensureably alternate in that with procedural* maps the analyst must collect descriptive specifics of following the map but these jobs must be done in situ just in an actual 7. case of a journey. Such descriptions are time consuming, difficult, costly, and strange. This is noteably the case with descriptions that are known to analyst/travelers whose in vivo labor is that of way finding journeys in institutionally established occupations. Their descriptions are expressly written to be deliberately misread as instructions. Their descriptions are characteristically arcane, "culturally deep", priviledged, proprietary, locally valued, and scarce. In the pedagogies of University departments and professional schools they are apt to be denigrated, deliberately ignored or dismissed as craftwork that distracts the academic enterprises of generic representational theorizing. In occasion maps the procedural* account comes into its own as a research device with which to encounter "skills" of "situated cognition". These are tacit skills of empirical theorizing. Procedural* accounts collect analytic formats that have strange properties. For a first thing these formats are only discoverable. They cannot be imagined. More, they are uniquely adequate to way finding journeys. Even more, they are uniquely adequate just in any actual case of a way finding journey, and then, just in any actual case, and only then, at the same time that they exhibit the journey's events in uniquely adequate details they exhibit the phenomena of the journey in coherent details of generality3. INSERT SPECIFICS. These are not details about structures; they are details in structures. They are not 3 INSERT SPECIFICS FROM P 7 OF hglawler.fix 8. structures by way of generically theorized representations of traveling's work. They are directly and immediately observed (STRUCTURES). These are local, endogenously produced, naturally accountable, distinctive, exclusive, and unique, in coherent uniquely adequate substantive phenomenal details. I shall call the analytic format of procedural* occasion maps "the praxeological validity of instructed actions". By that I mean: In the work-site, at and as the work-site - as of the worksite -the work of procedurally* following instructions exhibits the phenomenon that the documentary map is a description of. The documentary map, taken to correspond to the way finding journey as a directed route, describes the way finding journey alternately to and incommensureably with the procedural* map. It does so with a disengaged and disengageable account of the way finding journey. In the actual case, just in any actual case, the documentary map can be and is somehow deliberately and alternately misread, at and as a worksite as an instructed action. The procedural* occasion map is entirely preoccupied with just how. For the case of a procedural* occasion map the praxeological validity of instructed action is the phenomenon. The praxeological validity of instructed action is in the sense of "is the same as", "it exists as", "it is identical with" the phenomena of the way finding journey.

3. The Maps' Comparative Concerns With Adequacy and Evidence

Both documentary and procedural maps must meet demands upon them of adequacy and evidence. In doing so they are incommensureable and asymmetrically alternates. The examples that follow mark mark the relevance to each analytic format - Documentary or Procedural* - of locally, endogenously achieved properties of logic, meaning, method, reason and order of occasion maps. For each format that relevance is unavoidable. Their different formats raise questions that bear distinctively for each on issues of adequacy and evidence. With both procedural* and documentary maps the countless questions of empirical adequacy will be addressed to them in actual cases, and in particulars. These are issues of descriptive coverage, facticity, relevance, truth, followability, completeness and sufficiency of instructions. Comparisons go as variations on an standing theme: The documentary map corresponds to phenomena of the journey with some measure of correct correspondence [whereas] The procedural* map exhibits these phenomena in that following the occasion maps as instructed action is identical with the phenomena of the journey their relevance to the parties of the achievedly coherent territorial phenomenal details. [~] When the occasion map is read procedurally* it makes unavoidable the map's events in their local, unique territorial 9. contingencies of gaze lines, perceptual aspects, perspectives, approaches, horizons, orientations, and directions. These present to the embodied work of the journeying local, territorialspecific contingencies of perceptual adumbration, and of preserving adumbrational coherence over the contingencies of looking at, looking for, of locating, and identifying in and as a material territory, an emPirical territory, a phenomenal field of ordered details that is the oriented and directed route's empirical territorial constituents. Procedurally* these gestaltlike "accordances" are unavoidable, without remedies, and without alternatives. They cannot be evaded, or passed over, or made over with literary time out, or by changing the subject. Their "presence" is a reminder of the use by philosophers of seven phenomena with which to speak of appearances that are essentially unavoidable, without remedy, or alternatives. [2] QUESTION: Is it only with the analytic format of procedural* maps but not with the directed route of documentary maps that it can be asked of the way finding journey, as an issue of empirical adeauacy, whether aspects, approaches, perspectives, orientations, and directions, and their adumbrational coherence is preserved over the contingencies of specifying and identifying the directed route's constituents? t3] Documentary and procedural* occasion maps can be compared but they are not interchangeable. The documentary maP 11 permits decisions of empirical adequacy only by interpreting the way finding journey's events as signed objects. And so? So with documentary maps the phenomena of the procedural* journey are lost with the same technical methods that are used to describe them. Signed objects are objects whose entire specifications are found and in various ways are demonstrated by treating the map as a collection of signs and symbols, and then assigning to any items of the map an interpreted significance. Decisions of empirical adequacy adequacy are the achievements of documented arguments. The documentary map's objects are instructably observable as literary objects. The reader need not leave the page in order to find, formulate, collect, make decideable, and decide issues of adequacy, - anY issues of adequacy. [4] The tasks of assuring empirical adequacy with procedural* occasion maps, by comparison with those with documentary maps, are relentless in requiring that they address the map in and as a constituent "embedded" detail of the way finding journey. So "reading" the map, or more on point, misreading the map retains diagrammed origins, passage events, destination, their orientation and direction on the page that are so prominent in the documentary map. Indeed, all of a documentary map's diagrammed constituents of an oriented and directed route as a production account of the way finding journey are retained. None need to be disregarded. But the misreading reworks the diagrammed constituents by introducing into them intractable 12 nuisances of work site details and shop floor theorizing. For example, the "reading" respecifies diagrammed origins as the procedural* job of "getting on the map". The work of procedurally* reading respecifies the documentary map's constituents of a directed route. All of them. t5] Similarly, by reason of the fact that consulting the map is a detail of the journey it describes "misreading" diagrammed passage events, destinations, and the orientation of these constituents as instructed actions respecifies them as properties of the map's very own observably significant contingencies of empirical territorial objects. Misreading puts front and center traveling's procedural* preoccupation with praxeology's "good work"4 - for one example, with faults - finding them, picking them out, diagnosing them, demonstrating, repairing them; procedurally* distinguishing ambiguity, mistakes, errors, and sloppiness; coming upon factual incorrectness; recognizing relevance, tricks, and jokes; and withal having pressing good '=c:mn~ t~f~ Ar, c:n [6] Documentary maps furnish a territory's observable route markers, landmarks, street names with the available definiteness in sense and reference of foregone conclusions. In contrast the procedural* misreading directs traveling's analytic attention to the traveling body's work of makina the local territory's 4 CITE Kotarbinski 13 observable journey-specific events serve purposes of route markers, landmarks, streetnames... given the contingencies of the actual occasions in which misreading the map as instructed actions must be done. In situ the analyst's jobs of judgement and decision are those procedurally* of "achieving" notational completeness, of procedurally* "achieving" followability and sufficiency of instructions, of "coming into" and "coming upon" definiteness of sense and reference, of "finally" settling unique correspondence of notation and territorial object, of "ongoingly, progressively, and developingly revealing" decideability of truth, correctness, efficacy, factual adequacy, temporal sequence, logical sequence, notational uniformity. t7] Journeying's accountable enterprises must be done just in any actual case, and that means first time through, for each another next first time. First time through entails particularizing the map's notation in the phenomenal details of the map's very own territorial events. Searching ahead for places to be going into from irremediable haecceities of territorially phenomenal places before and behind. Leaving and arriving in a time that is in and as of the journeying makina a time that is needed in a coherence of territorially phenomenal details. Making out a territory's journey-specific events such as witnessable landmarks, route markers, mistakes, and absences in and as the apparent territory. Makina a territory's journey-specific events 13 observable journey-specific events serve purposes of route markers, landmarks, streetnames... given the contingencies of the actual occasions in which misreading the map as instructed actions must be done. In situ the analyst's jobs of judgement and decision are those procedurally* of "achieving" notational completeness, of procedurally* "achieving" followability and sufficiency of instructions, of "coming into" and "coming upon" definiteness of sense and reference, of "finally" settling unique correspondence of notation and territorial object, of "ongoingly, progressively, and developingly revealing" decideability of truth, correctness, efficacy, factual adequacy, temporal sequence, logical sequence, notational uniformity. t7] Journeying's accountable enterprises must be done just in any actual case, and that means first time through, for each another next first time. First time through entails particularizing the map's notation in the phenomenal details of the map's very own territorial events. Searching ahead for places to be going into from irremediable haecceities of territorially phenomenal places before and behind. Leaving and arriving in a time that is in and as of the journeying makina a time that is needed in a coherence of territorially phenomenal details. Making out a territory's journey-specific events such as witnessable landmarks, route markers, mistakes, and absences in and as the apparent territory. Makina a territory's journey-specific events look like what they are truly, really, correctly, and properly. And, for these "practical achievements", always and unavoidably with respect to the "emergent" contingencies as the territory's features, - and these are the map's very own territorial features.


Documentary and procedural* maps are incommensureable and asymmetrically alternate in dealing with demands upon them of adequacy and evidence. The examples mark that alternativity. It is the principal task of the researches proposed here to specify these comparisons with case descriptions. 15 ~


Occasion maps are cartography's stepchildren. The point of [Page] comparing their prevalence and availability is to further the scientific achievements of cartography by promoting the relevance of studying occasion maps. To this point we ask: What news beyond that of procedural* occasion maps can their study promise? That news is in the contingencies of the work of a way finding journey. These are contingencies in the work of designed enterprises. Occasion maps read procedurally* make the contingencies of designed enterprises newly accountable, and consequentially so. It is news from nowhere, known by one and all, that the way finding journey being a designed enterprise must be done in detail; that it cannot fail to be done in detail; that the enterprise, being planful, can fail; that failure will call upon a familiar litany in received lexicons of contingencies for explanation: accidents, errors, mistakes, coincidence, chance, luck, fortune, and acts of God; that mathematical statistics offers indispensable consequential real world resources for describing, determining, demonstrating, fortelling, strategizing, managing that and how designed enterprises fail; and that formalisms in the use of computing machinery assures contingencyfree algorithmic descriptions of specifically embodied human iobs. With the use of procedural* occasion maps there remains to 16. ~ ask: What more than these is there to a way finding journey's contingencies by way of news? Better that What More? What Instead? What instead of what everyone and anyone in the worldwide social science movement knows about contingencies given that contingencies are known with mathematical statistics, and are known to computing science in the manner of alchemical sciences. These are sciences whose analyst/practitioners count and teach their successes to consist exactly and entirely of the identical ways that their sciences fail. Procedural* occasion maps are paradigm cases. They can provide what's news about contingencies in designed enterprises instead of what is known and can be made known through the social Two literatures in which contingencies are subjects of central and ubiquitous relevance are mathematical statistics. and computing science. tl] We shall focus on the use of mathematical statistics in the literatures of the worldwide social science movement. With these literatures a monopoly on adequate demonstrations of objectivity in specifying and managing contingencies of designed enterprises is claimed and accorded. The claim is everywhere that of an alchemical science. We zero in on the convincingness of their descriptions 17 and demonstrations of contingencies. What explains the convincingness of their descriptions given etc. INSERT STUFF OIN THIS QUESTION PUTTING ASIDE "THEY COME SO CLOSE" BECAUSE THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE. INSERT THE STUFF FROM THE SHOP FLOOR PROBLEM ON PROBATIVENESS. Focus on the "principle of randomness" in the various areas of "statistical thinking" ("thinking like a statistician"; "thinking statistically"; etc.) (Compare with Krieger's characterization of these areas.) Focus on the theorem of radical independence with which mathematical statistics specifies the coherence descriptions with which of objects. With the same careful the coherence of objects carefully described (carefully ala the Shop Floor Problem) the phenomenon being described is lost. USE OTHERS - FROM THE LIST OF 11 - IN ADDIITION TO THE THEOREM OF INDEPENDENCE. SEE SEVEN CASES WITH WHICH TO SPECIFYHOW PHENOMENAL FIELDS OF ORDINARY ACTIVITIES ARE LOST WWITH ENGINEERING DETAILS OF RECORDING MACHINERY:..." Procedural* occasion maps are paradigm cases. Review the Schedule of Preposterous Problem to enrich the arguments with empirical materials. [2] INSERT AND ELABORATE REMARKS ABOVE RE: THE CERTAINTY OF FORMALISMS IN THE USE OF COMPUTING MACHINERY TO DESCRIBE (MODEL) HUMAN jobs. 18 Rewrite these materials to add them to the collection of Pairs that consist of discipline-specific literatures in the formal analytic social science movement and their specific ehtnomethodological alternates. The critical task is to specify what "Documentary" and "Procedural*" occasion maps have to do with each other. They are incommmensureable and related. They are coeval. SEE HGLAWLER.FIN FOR MORE. Specifics are found by rereading the document, "About the Collection of Formal Analytic Discipline-Specific Literatures and Their Specific EM Alternates". Read it like this: Replace the general pairs with "Documentary Maps" and "Essentially Procedural* Maps" and carry through the points being respectful of what's interesting, factual, empirically adeguate, etc. Formulate the AcResCom.396 request as a documented conjecture. Emphasize that it's a documented conjecture. Funds are needed to consuslt materials in the UCLA Map Library to learn how they are related. Based on the research experience with occasion maps that is reported in the EM Catalog the conjecture is that Library reports on "Documentary" occasion maps will lose the work of a way finding journey in instructably observable procedural* specifics of following occasion maps, but "Documentary" occasion maps will not be barren of "Procedural*" specifics. The conjecture is they 19 will lose the work to advisories, maxims, general declarations of actions-as-a-rule, allusiions, metaphots, lexical tropes, tools, having structures of practical action in mind, or designing modeled skilled journeying to put them there; and similar glosses. THESE ARE CONJECTURED FINDINGS. HYPOTHETICALS. It's better not to imagine how procedural* specifics are lost. Wait and see. Tie the Documentary map to the problem in AI that Phil Agre describes as "search control". Bert Dreyfus described the problem in his RAND monograph, Alchemy and Artificial Intelligence. The procedural* map, via the contingencies, is a source of new directions. "Premature"? Probative, and needing a company to work them out. REPETITOUS. CHECK AND DELETE Based on the research experience with occasion maps that is reported in the EM Catalog the conjecture is that Library reports on "Documentary" occasion maps lose the work of a way finding journey in instructably observable procedural* specifics of following occasion maps. However, it is not proposed that "Documentary" occasion maps are barren of "Procedural*" specifics. Rather, the conjecture is they will lose the work to allusions, advisories, maxims, general declarations of actions-as-a-rule, metaphors, lexical tropes, tools, having structures of practical action in mind, or designing models of appropriately skilled journeying to put them there; and similar glosses. However, these are conjectures. Obviously it is better not to imacine how procedural* specifics 20 are lost, but to wait and see.